Bring your photos, letters, family histories, and other documents. Brought to you by the South Dakota State Library and Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Bring your photos, letters, family histories, and other documents and have an electronic copy made. Reserve a 40-minute time slot and receive help in scanning and storing your materials. Please have your items selected ahead of time, participants may not be able to get everything they want scanned in the allotted time. USB drives will be provided to all participants.
Acceptable items: photographs, letters, certificates, journals, artwork, artifacts, memorabilia, scrapbooks, etc. Each participant is limited to 10-15 larger items. Please prioritize the most important ones in case staff cannot get to all of them.
Discouraged items: newspapers or newspaper clippings, copyrighted materials (unless permission is obtained from the copyright holder), and anything containing private information.
Please reach out to Siouxland Libraries staff if additional help is needed at one of our EZ Scan Stations if you’d like to try this on your own.